I taste it real good
as if I'm looking for the entryway
of the open wound that lies on my heart
and I was four
and ashamed.
I would beg my mom to cover me up
and I would beg the world to stop
and I was thirteen
and scared of the looks on other people's eyes.
I'd grab my rolls
the ones on my back
everytime my stomach would growl
that's what she told me
and I was fifteen
and purging.
My hair was thin
my life was a mess
and the ''divorce''
never helped.
and I was seventeen
and traumatized
And I'm twenty one
and I miss
the burning throat
the tears
the heavy breathing
and want
but never do.
I don't know if im a coward
or brave
If I'm strong
or just in constant pain
And I hope when I'm twenty two
I'll like the feeling of my stomach full
I will enjoy watching the mirror
and will stop feeling inferior.
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