mobile isologo


    Empieza a escribir gratis en quaderno


    Anoche tuve un sueño que me levantó el corazón en el aire por este rato. Éramos amigos, nos reíamos y se sintió tan bien. Era raro, de límites difusos. Pero nada era tan confuso y los límites tenían palabras y muchas risas. Estábamos en la facu y nos reíamos del drama. Entonces nada no era nada importante. Nadie era importante y todo resultaba absurdo. Simplemente un invento del deseo que mi cabeza inventó para su corazón.

    Estoy entrando en la etapa de aceptación y risas del drama, rodeados de dramáticos. Nadie es tan importante.

    Queen - Dont try..

    A one two three four one



    Don't do it don't you try it baby

    Don't do that don't don't don't

    Don't do that

    You got a good thing going now

    Don't do it don't do it


    Don't try suicide

    Nobody's worth it

    Don't try suicide

    Nobody cares

    Don't try suicide

    You're just gonna hate it

    Don't try suicide

    Nobody gives a damn

    So you think it's the easy way out?

    Think you're gonna slash your wrists

    This time

    Baby when you do it all you do is

    Get on my tits

    Don't do that try try try baby

    Don't do that, you got a good thing going now

    Don't do it don't do it


    Don't try suicide

    Nobody's worth it

    Don't try suicide

    Nobody cares

    Don't try suicide

    You're just gonna hate it

    Don't try suicide

    Nobody gives a damn

    You need help

    Look at yourself you need help

    You need life

    So don't hang yourself

    It's ok ok ok ok

    You just can't be a prick teaser all of the time

    A little bit attention, you got it

    Need some affection, you got it

    Suicide suicide suicide bid

    Suicide suicide suicide bid


    Don't do it don't do it don't do it babe (yeah)

    Don't do it don't do it don't, do it


    Don't put your neck on the line

    Don't drown on me babe

    Blow your brains out

    Don't do that (yeah)

    Don't do that, you got a good thing going baby

    Don't do it (no) don't do it (no) don't

    Don't try suicide

    Nobody's worth it

    Don't try suicide

    Nobody cares

    Don't try suicide

    You're just gonna hate it

    Don't try suicide

    Nobody gives, nobody cares

    Nobody gives a damn


    Notas erráticas que intentan dar cuenta


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