mobile isologo



    May 17, 2024

    Empieza a escribir gratis en quaderno

    What do they stare at when they sit still in a hideous bedroom?

    What fleshy compartment do they fill when peeking through keyholes?

    They could see a dying lady

    They could see a changeling

    They could see burden

    They could hear crescent notes

    They could hear chasking fingers

    They could hear wrath become rain

    In few minutes they will hear her sing and clap.

    In few seconds they will see the dying lady undress.

    "What is essential is invisible to the eye, that's why all of you can see me".


    But I took their eyes. Only you can claim the prize.

    So I beg to you, look through the keyhole.

    I can become whatever you want me to.

    But please, take a seat. I have made it comfortable just for you.

    For this will take me longer than I thought.



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