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    beloved, please i'm yours forever

    Jan 13, 2025

    beloved, please i'm yours forever
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    And yet she was there, standing. I was hoping when she could’ve arrived. I missed her already. Crystal eyes and freckles which caused her pain. Not for me, though, for me she was comfort, for me she was everything I wanted, everything I’d die for. Everything.

    I could sink and swim in them. She stares and thinks. If only I had a chance to explain the tossing on my bed, then liquor spilled on our carpet.

    Our houses. The tiny one in California. Maybe the stars of neighbors we had, maybe the path that crossed us at work back in the old days of youth we shared and admired ourselves. I believe mutually –perhaps I haven’t told you that, or perhaps I had –but as encrypted as I a, when I saw you, I aimed as soon as I had the chance to do so.

    I heard you had to go sell our little box. You told me to be calm about the news while looking at the sky. I’m that heavy cloud you’re reaching at. I see how it costs, the damage I’ve put you through. You know how conscience weighs but since I saw the glimpse of a stand-up attitude in front of my nonbeliever eyes, I think I picked some kind of belief. I loved the dashing look and the leg raising you did. I understood there was a point of burst.

    I must admit I saw the letter. Mischievous of you to send it. You knew, dear, how. I had to see the woman with dirt inside her nails. I had to choose her, the red head heavenly hell, a goddess of yearns. Before that, the entire castle I’ve built trembling, I feared, should be abandoned, so I paced ghostly ways trying to reach the forgiveness of the almighty as I have found a sweet quietness by your side.

    Coming home; your funding lips as when you were the woman of the year without a cheesy ending to regret.

    I laid eyes on you instead; I swear my dear. You've doubted me while all I’d done— devotedly madly and sometimes carelessly— stayed. Stayed at our box called home.

    I could’ve had a past I trespassed tearless. I could’ve had the regrets of my own who stabbed. but I also could've not have you alongside. that sentence to death, faster than the one I chose to use for me. I got at prime since you stood up next to me. before encounters and stages. Only the paths that took me to your face of youngster actress. A petulant flower, Connecticut matters. Always at mind either in the flop or sunrises.

    Mind me to say I stayed wickedly for the last prime of mine only because you did it as well, only because you felt too harsh, and I knew it. Did I stay? I was there. I also felt it. I continue to feel, oh my dear, by gum.

    Twenty-seven years of stability you charged only to see if I ever reached the wellness we spread together on my own. I couldn’t handle my fragmented soul, but you took pieces of an old whiskey bottle that must have been broken many years ago, then I went and licked the leftovers from the floor. You glued all of them.

    Should I show you how despite my lacks I still got endeared at your sight? Should I have written you my greatness admiration, my kindest of appreciation to the woman I had by me for the last twenty-seven moments of my existence, to the woman I owe my saved "love yous"

    I didn’t deserve to stay longer, never. I wish I had to see if my wonder is wrong and to see if you'd be also there as we got older, older and older, to sneak here up if we reached the fiftieth night together. I would’ve held you near my sweet and whispered the thanks beholden.

    Clearly nothing of us must be changed nor erased. It was what it was, Eden in hell. only that I was never enough, thus I’d change me to profit with your person.

    I might have been unbearable, an old lady burden, unsure of everyone but to my dear. Never had a teensy slay of a question only the cowardice to not have told you.

    And if you ever see the sky, a cloud so gray that might fall, perhaps you hear the story I took myself to grave. A torment of smiles became after what seemed the darkest of hours.

    Swim-suited woman, with the nerve of a clip I owe you everything I have ever become after meeting you. As passionate as I can be, it is all for you. Please, let me know somehow you've got this message.

    My red, my Kate, My heart, I'll treasure what we had as long as destiny decides.

    Yours truly...

    giulianne silva

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