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    Goo goo dolls - Iris [Official Music Video] [4K Remaster]

    Dec 14, 2023

    Goo goo dolls - Iris [Official Music Video] [4K Remaster]
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    Everything said here is a comment I posted in a video. What I say is real, and I wanted to share it here.

    My ex used to play this song at the beginning of the relationship and it brings back the feeling of those days. I felt safer, but sadder. we started off so well, it's a pitty we had to end, but, well, we had other plans for life, i didn't love him anymore and we couldn't match at that moment. I don't regret walking away, I just miss the safety and the safe space I felt there, but anyways probably it is my mind making me think every past time was a better time when actually I felt kinda suicidal and didn't feel safe to tell him how i was really feeling about life and everything. He was the last thing i had that related me to my hometown and the people in there, and that's maybe another reason why I still feel it as something painful. It's weird. I kinda miss it, I wish I could go back in time, but I know it is not how i'm imagining it, and I'm good with how i am right now- knowing myself better, choosing who i surround myself with, being more aware of things i couldn't be aware of in that time. It kinda hurts, after all this time. But i know it was for better. and i know i'm better off this way. and i know that most probably things were not like i'm imagining they were (i felt worse than i can remember). but, maybe, if i had the opportunity to go back in time to when we were dancing to these kind of songs at the beginning of the relationship, i would do so without skipping a beat. Just to feel that safety one more time, to know how it really felt. to know how it feels to know that these are simpler times than the ones to come, but hey, you'll have time for that. for now, you are just dancing to this song, hugging the one you love. future you can worry about what will happen in the future. for now, it's you, me, and the song. You reading this comment, me writing, and this song in the back of your mind.

    Lucia Muñoz

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